Monday, October 12, 2009

4 Tips To Kick Start Your Blog Marketing

Congratulations your blog is live! Now you need to start marketing it so you'll build a group of followers and potential customers

How do you do this? How do you go about getting your blog out there to be seen and known by others? How do you draw readers and keep them coming back for more?

There are many ways to get your blog out there and known by others, this can be challenging for some and just quite easy for others, if you have ever had a successful blog before then you know what it takes.

You're not going to get anywhere by just setting up a blog and hoping that people will find it and read it, you're not going to gain any links, nor a higher search engine ranking by just having a blog.

This is just a part of the huge arena that is blog marketing, absolutely anyone can do it, even you.

Successful blog marketing tip number one.

When you first create a blog, of course it is unheard of, no one knows anything about the blog unless you give them the link and show it to them, However, for a new blog that has never been seen, there are many ways to get it out there and known.

You just need to know how. The first thing that you can do is to allow RSS feeds be taken from your blog. Let other bloggers and websites publish your content if they want to.

When you do this, they're giving you a link back to your blog, and also telling their readers all about your blog. You will get more traffic than ever with this tool. RSS feeds are wonderful for promoting and getting your blog out there.

Blog marketing tip number two.

Make sure you update your blog regularly, no there can't be enough emphasis on this tip, it really is worth it's weight in gold. If you tell your readers that you're going to update your blog daily, then do it.

If you tell them that you will be writing in your blog weekly, don't let them down. Your readers are what makes your blog successful. You may not get this at the start, you'll have few readers at the beginning, but you'll gradually build a readership and see other people checking out your blog.

Perhaps you not planning on telling your readers how often you'll post to your blog, that's OK just remember to post regularly. However, think about this, if you were reading a blog on a weekly basis, and you expected to see the blog that you like to read updated at least once a week, you would be very disappointed to find out that it wasn't.

Yes things happen and you might not always be able to post when you said you would, and that is fine let your readers know why (this builds rapport), but if you miss week after week you'll can hurt your credibility and lose readers.

Tip number three.

While you're working on your readership base, and trying to gain readers, you are going to find that commenting on blogs that are relevant to yours will surely help.

Find a blog on the same topic as your own, or perhaps a related topic and leave comments on them, you can also leave a track back to your blog postings so people will comment on your own blog.

Doing so will probably give someone else the urge to track back to your blog, which will be good for it as well.

Commenting on blogs that get many comments will make yours be seen by those interested in that market. You'll gain traffic and readers that way, and it is easy as well as free.

The fourth blog marketing tip.

Learn and apply SEO to your blogs, SEO is search engine optimization.

You're going to find that if you want your blog to go anywhere, you need SEO, and you need to know how to use it to the advantage of your blog.

So don't forget to make sure the search engines can find your blog.

Pete Craig - Marketer Blog Marketing is an extremely effective and powerful method of marketing and can be used to build credibility in your chosen market. To achieve the levels of success through blogging you desire the easiest thing to do is to model someone whose already achieved the success you want. Http://


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